Mr. Kimera Mutebi Boogere
- Position on Board : Secretary
- Committee: Administration
- Since: 2015-03-24
Message from the Secretary
Participation and Involvement of Community in the service provision and participation in Conferences, Seminars and workshops where he trained, mentored and sensitized many corporates and citizens in different parts of Africa, Europe, America, Asia and others.
He has visited many African states like Ghana, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya and others during his follow-ups in different relevant services. He has a proven
About the Secretary:
Prince Kimera is a person with a successful progressive record in leadership, Financial Management and social development practice given the period of experience in different fields of service deliveries. This is also coupled with the acquired knowledge in the different disciplines, skills attained during the course of execution of the various works in society. He has Masters in Public Administration and Management, Bachelor&
degree in administration, Accounting, 6 Diplomas and several certificates in various disciplines.
Prince Kimera served in Cooperative bank for a period of 20 years he as well served in TASO (The AIDS Support Organization) for 15 years and he received several awards. In TASO, he attended a series of Trainings in HIV/AIDS Care, Counseling, Treatment, Follow-ups, Referrals and Linkages, Community dynamics, Mobilization-drives and sensitizations, Stigma reduction approaches,