Short Term Plans
1. GRONET shall continue in strengthening community mobilization and raise awareness on environmental protection and conservation, work towards providing linkages and referrals for HIV/AIDS control and supportive service, contribute to food security etc for the benefit of the present and future generations.
2. Through advocacy, lobbying and networking activities, GRONET has and intends to strengthen linkages and bridge the existing gaps between the government, donors/partners and the local grass-roots communities. This partnership approach is to ensure that the local communities effectively participate in the development process, hence guaranteeing them and their families a permanent accessibility to resources and opportunities for improving their livelihoods.
3. Capacity building and skills development/training of GRONET staff and the local communities, This enables the local/grass-root communities to be much more responsive to programs geared towards community emancipation from the causes and effects of diseases, poverty, exploitation, ignorance, negative paradigms etc.
4. Sustainable and viable savings and credit schemes/SACCOs for the benefit of local communities and their groups will be strengthened. This is intended to redress the principal macro-problem of shortage of affordable institutional credit facilities in the rural areas, and also to encourage the rural folk to embrace a saving culture that will spur investments for sustainable national economic national economic development.
5. Growth networks Uganda is to be at forefront to emancipate the disadvantaged and marginalised sections of the local communities (women folk, youth and disabled) in the country. The main focus should be geared towards narrowing the existing gender disparities generally encountered during the implementation of development projects/programs. Therefore gender mainstreaming is of great importance if any meaningful development should be registered among the rural/urban poor.
6. GRONET shall continue with the expansion and strengthening of partnership network-connections both at local and international levels. This is intended to make the company firmly and widely visible and thus become a reliable conduit/channel for information dissemination/distribution and resource mobilization and flow to rural/urban grass-roots communities.
Long Term Plans
1. Initially the operations of GRONET will be mainly carried out in Uganda where we have already established our main office/mini-branches, but in the long-run its activities will spread globally.
2. GRONET shall acquire assets, for purposes of generating sufficient funds to strictly finance most of its development activities. This exercise will enable the company become a genuine and sustainable foundation for development.
3. Growth Networks shall gradually work towards turning the established savings and credit schemes/SACCO into micro-finance institutions and eventually into village banks to promote rural/urban investments/development. The pace for this process will depend on the economic growth rate of the respective community/district and the country in general. This shall ensure a guaranteed sustainability of the company and also offer an effective response to the prevailing problem of lack of dependable rural/urban credit institutions. Right now, bank services are not available in all the communities and nationwide at large.
4. GRONET shall acquire a Morden office block by putting up a permanent landmark in the capital city of Uganda-kampala. This shall enable the directors of the company realize their cherished aspirations of establishing a permanent "foundation" that will live/go by its name and also effectively serve the present and future generations. Gradual acquisitions of land and permanent office premises in other districts in Uganda and globally will be achieved as the company continues to grow and support the communities.
5. We shall be the springboard for allying affiliations of small homogenous groups of women, youth and/or men into larger and powerful associations of producers groups or cooperatives. This will help the poor and underprivileged/disadvantaged to unite, cooperate and have a voice in order to overcome the constraints to their development. This strategy will also facilitate the revival of genuine, strong, self-reliant and autonomous grass-roots cooperative movements which will effectively participate in the government programs of poverty alleviation through the modernization of agriculture and a broad based democracy as a result of the process of enlightenment and empowerment especially of the marginalised and poor women folk, youth, disadvantaged/disabled, HIV/AIDS patients and other related health hazards at the grass-roots levels in the communities. This is in line with the Uganda government change of heart and aim of reviving strong cooperatives movements thus unions in Uganda and other economies.
6. Operational research, consultancy works, working as commission agents, long term partnership build-ups, health related services, exposures, business/trade links for the community members, country to country contact for citizenships support through networks, local and broad, referrals using the network connections with funding sources and capacity/training development will be key interventions/approaches GRONET company will strategically employ and implement in its day to day operations/activities in relation to its areas of focus.
7. Growth Networks with much enthusiasm target to put up a standard which will help to educate, mentor orphans/vulnerable especially children from the poor, marginalized communities that in turn will be role models in the country as well as peer educators within their communities.
8. Setting up a recreational Centre with a well-stocked library to reduce on redundancy/idleness among children and the youths which is syncopated with a number of problems including HIV/AIDS contraction, crime rates, since most of the recreational grounds are cleared by investors/government for development or industrialization.