Our rights - based values and principles are reflected in all the guidelines/manuals, policies, informal and formal working agreements that govern our work together, with partners and with beneficiaries.
Lobbying and Advocacy
The community is organized through gatherings and information is collected through enumeration and profiling in order to build a good basis for lobbying and advocacy. Community members through identified teams are empowered to use
the cohesion and information gathered to negotiate and engage the Government. Setting precedent projects is being used as one of the approach in engaging the Government by not only talking to the Government but rather implementing
projects which are used for learning purposes to Government and other stakeholders.Other means of engaging the government is by establishing municipal forums for facilitating a platform for community and government officials to come
togther, discuss challenges and ways of solving those challenges in a more collaborative way.
GRONET believes that the Governmnet alone or the community alone cannot solve the available challenges, but if there is a co-production where community, stakeholders together with the Government are able to come together, plan and
implement together, there is a possibility of reducing the challenges by identifying more practical solutions basing on local environment, cost effective and more sustainable.
Accountability and learning
We have internal control systems and professionally qualified staff to ensure that we are effectively using our funds. We aspire to be a learning organization, with real time evaluations, program reviews, a published accountability report, and complaints and whistle blowing policies. Through these procedures, we seek to hold ourselves accountable to our supporters, partners, beneficiaries and the general public. We welcome all opportunities to discuss with you about our performance, and how we can improve. Read our Annual Report and Program Evaluation Policy.
Strategy and Planning
Strategic collaboration, continuous learning and adaptive management link together all components of the Program Cycle. Sources for learning include data from monitoring, portfolio reviews, findings of research, evaluations, analyses
conducted by Us, knowledge gained from experience and other sources. These sources are used to develop plans, implement projects, manage adaptively and contribute to GRONET’s knowledge base in order to improve development outcomes.
A Collaborating, Learning and Adapting focus helps to ensure that programming is coordinated together, grounded in evidence and adjusted as necessary to remain relevant and effective throughout implementation.
Monitoring is the ongoing and systematic tracking of information relevant to GRONET strategies, campaigns, projects and activities to support adaptive management and accountability structures. Monitoring tells us whether implementation is on track and whether results are being achieved. Monitoring Plans for strategies, projects and activities guide the efforts of GRONET staff and implementing partners to ensure relevant information is available when needed to make adjustments to programs as well as to report to Funders, Donors, the Government and stakeholders
GRONET has made an ambitious commitment to quality program evaluation which is the systematic collection and analysis of information as a basis for judgements to improve effectiveness and timed to inform decisions about current and future programming. GRONET uses these program evaluation findings to inform decisions, improve program effectiveness, be accountable to our Funders, Donors, stakeholders and support organizational learning.
Project Design
Project design is the process for defining how to achieve results to ensure that efforts are complementary and aligned in support of a strategy. Each project design typically incorporates multiple activities organized around, and implemented to achieve, a common purpose. The process also ensures that projects define a clear logic and purpose, are based on evidence of what works, and develops detailed plans for evaluation, monitoring and learning.
Using data
As a rights-based organization, Growth Networks is committed to using data responsibly in order to uphold the rights of the individuals, groups and organizations with whom we work. Using data responsibly is not just an issue of technical security and encryption but also of safeguarding the rights of people to be counted and heard; ensure their dignity, respect and privacy; enable them to make informed decisions; and not be put at risk, when providing data. Our Responsible Program Data Policy is set out to facilitate the invaluable contribution that data makes to the quality of GRONET work, upholding accountability and allowing us to raise the voice of those with whom we work.
Political activities
We allocate some of our resources to understanding the root causes of violence, climate change, epidemic outbreaks and poverty. We do so to persuade Governments, inter-governmental agencies, private sector bodies and citizens to change the policies and practices that are detrimental to our beneficiaries' interests, and to encourage those that will improve their lives. We undertake this work in an objective manner, based on evidence and analysis. Some of these issues are controversial but we will always seek to engage with our critics in a rational and open way, deploying argument and reason. We are a non-partisan organization and do not support any political party.