A call for justice to sex workers around you
Despite the positive outcomes brought by sex work, the sex trade is seen as a menace to the society. Many attribute their involvement in prostitution because of destitution and unemployment, which is not completely true. Greed and the intense desire
Despite being the oldest profession, prostitution isn't fully accepted by the society. In fact, there are some stigmas associated with this line of work. This being said, sex workers are said to perform a valuable community service. How we treat them gives a preview as to what kind of community we have. Even if these ladies who serve the community engender good economic conditions, some argue that they are a blight on the society who undermine family morals. Can sex workers be considered as community workers? Or do they bring more harm than good in our society?
Undoubtedly, prostitution has a strong impact in the community. For instance, this job is instrumental in the objectification of women. There are men who see women, especially prostitutes, as no more than an object. This kind of attitude explains why crimes are committed against women, in general. With prostitution, this mentality continues to persist in the community. Basically, community workers are people who work for the welfare of his/her community. Sex workers can be considered as community workers, well, in certain aspects. One, communities where there is prostitution have a good economic system. However, this is not always the case, particularly in poverty-stricken communities.
Prostitutes also give attention and affection to certain people in the community. If social workers attend to the people's social needs, sex workers address their sexual needs. There are instances where spending a night with a prostitute helps rebuild the self-confidence of men who just got out of a relationship or those who can not afford to sustain a relationship. Uganda has over 70,000 sex worker which include both males and females. Its found that 48% of sex workers in Uganda pick up or are picked up by their clients on streets, 26% in bars, 12% in brothels, 9% at truck stops and 5% work from their homes.
Despite the positive outcomes brought by sex work, the sex trade is seen as a menace to the society. Many attribute their involvement in prostitution because of destitution and unemployment, which is not completely true. Greed and the intense desire for easy money are more responsible for their engagement in the sex trade. Such reasons morally corrupt the society. Moreover, some say that a morally upright individual won't sacrifice his/her dignity and self-respect for money. In certain religions, such as Islam, promiscuous sex practices and adultery are prohibited. These are considered as serious transgressions that have repercussions on the society. Furthermore, numerous evidences have shown that prostitution makes a mess of marriages, families, lives, spirit and soul.
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