Environmental Disasters that call for an action in Uganda
- Raised: $25
- Goal: $23.7k
The negative effects of dependence on wood have resulted to enormous changes in the climate. Illegal activities, including logging, charcoal making, and firewood gathering has contributed to rapid deforestation. The government forestry agents who are generally underpaid sometimes sell firewood for their own profit or permit illegal activities in return for bribes. In this way entrenched poverty and corruption drains public resources from use by present and future generations. Conditions that favored growing of crops, human and animal living are perishing at a terrifying speed order of the day.
This due to poor natural resource management and utilization, bad agricultural practices carried out by poor rural subsistence farmers, wetland reclamation for settlements and agriculture and deforestation is the order of the day. This has led to loss of productive woodlands that has eventually led to unfriendly weather conditions, land erosion, floods, landslides, environmental degradation, energy shortages, food shortages, global warming and rural poverty in general. Uganda will continue to wallop in this deplorable socio-economic condition with a permanent disastrous effect on its environment, people, and the economy of the country as a whole if we don&
wake up to address such issues administratively. It is a common knowledge that the wetlands we reclaim now are very vital for the stability of the environment both for the present and the future generations. Destroying these swamps/wetlands, forests, and cutting trees without replacements is driving Uganda to disasters, high temperatures and aridity of land. soon or later Uganda will nologer be a pearl of African but rather a desert environment since the 43 million people have turned it to what is it now, but what will happen if it reaches 112 million people as projected in 2050.
Uganda has a variety of wetlands of which many contain swamp forest plants which act as natural filters. Some of these plants are phoenix, lovoa, trichiloides, calamus deeratus, reclinata, Beilschmeidia ugandensis, Hallea stipulosa, Raphia farinifera etc are threatened from a conservation perspective due to their uses for timber production, craftwork, fencing, food supplements, firewood, medicine and construction. Threats to the sustainable use of swamp forest plant resources include, in particular; over harvesting, poor harvesting techniques, reclamation of the habitats for agriculture and infrastructural setups, rampant bush fires in dry seasons and dumping of wastes in these wetlands. The government of Uganda has tried to reserve these wetlands through its established authorities say National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) though there are still gaps that need to be addressed.
Our laws that protect our clean air, wildlife, water bodies, forests, wetlands and stable climate are in danger
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