Become a Fundraiser
Growing up noticing the pathetic life of the marginalized poor people in the communities, the biting poverty that represent 68% below the poverty levels, lack of basic needs and social services which is aright but not provided by the government,
human rights violations, poor health, unfavorable climatic changes, lack of food, people hungry for days, no tangible income generating activities, school dropout due to lack of fees, youth generation with over 83% unemployed, women with no basic
requirement to comfort their lives, elders living in very deployable lives etc, has forced us to go from street to street, and from house to house ,market to market to market across the world and beyond, telling the people about the need to work
together to improve on the quality of life and development of our fellow humans and mother nature.
We feel the onus is on us as GRONET, to tell the world, and reach the un reached, to let, the whole world know that you have the duty through your creator’s call to help those in dine need of support and help. There are a host of many other great
reasons why you should start fundraising now. We often see and hear about terrible events all around the world and, if you can’t sit around and do nothing – getting involved in fundraising is a really great way to harness the outpouring of compassion
and make a real effort to help. No matter how you choose to fundraise, how much you raise or whether you do it regularly or just as a one-off fundraising brings a sense of fulfilment like no other. So if you have a specialist skill, or just a hobby
and a bit of time to spare from a few minutes to a few hours then we need you.