
The word “philanthropists” stands for a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donations of money to good causes.
Many people allover the world have personal and private initiatives for the public good focusing on the quality of life of those in dine need of support and help. Many give in their time for the people causing money and indentify charitable causes and give donations through refutable charitable organization or directly to the beneficiaries. These people donate large sum of money, create foundation to meet the aspirations of the ready communities either in a particular countries or all over the world. It is also important to note that a philanthropist is also some one who cause for someone else’s needs instead of their own.
This world has people like you of this nature who donate money to help people who are poor or sick or provide material support, relief etc to needy people or institution that take care for the most marginalized and vulnerable poor people within the communities.

You have the heart of parting away the resources free of charge to groups, civil society organization like GRONET that were started basically to improve on the quality of life and development of the people through network approach, partnership, collaborations and joint venture developments etc. GRONET treasures such people who give their time, talent to make positive changes happen for humanity regardless of wealth of station. To donate and help the needy persons or communities in a given Godly heart and we have salute such people for stand ding with the communities.

Uganda has many needy people whose basic needs are unmet due to the biting poverty in the country, no tangible source of income, social services are at a very low eblo with lots challenging health issues and ignorance. Opportunities for advancement of knowledge, skills to uplift the quality of life and development of people are quite expensive and unaffordable. lack of knowledge and a awareness on a number of crucial issues that matter and affect the lives of the majority of Ugandans. GRONET calls for concerted efforts to up open up sustainable avenue to empower the people with skills, knowledge and best practice to enable the them participate in social economic development and demand for efficient quality service delivery. Working with the philanthropists, creates appositive difference in human race and can open up peoples eye to demand for their rights, freedom of expression and build a social economic class that can be self sustaining and developmental.

The time is now

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