
Featured reports and publications

We select reports and publication on this page to highlight the work of our staff and partners around the country. The reports cover the work of GRONET illustrating work from our partners and also joint campaigns, research, projects, activities, programs and financial figures. For more reports please contact us through our emails and contacts. We are committed to transparency and accountability.

1. Financial Reporting

Our Financial reports provide an overview of our work and show how we are keeping accountabilty and commitments. The reports show where our money comes from and how we spent it.

2. Budget and Spending

Our budgets are summarized and re-coded to match donor formats as needed. They reflect our plans and how we implement them. We also specify how much we spend and how we spend it.

3. Research and Surveys

We tackle some of the biggest developmental challenges ahead of us by scaling solutions like some which are written in the reports. We go beyond incremental progress and achieve transformative change in different sectors say agriculture, health, governance, environment and financial. We identify solutions for today's challenges and for the future use. Our solutions and strategies can save lives, contribute to the economic growth, enhance stability, build communities, families and the country at large.