A country Without Poverty
- Central Region, Uganda
Many people remain poor or are thrown back into poverty because of conflicts,natural disasters, diseases,..
Read More →We cherish networking with different in developments, this is an arm in developing many communities through a shared approach. Strengthening social development initiative, accountability and fundamental change calls for a solidified relationship of partners whose interest and actions promote socio-economic development and sustainability of our people. We welcome partners that are ready to work with us in development initiatives for the good of the marginalized communities in both rural/urban centers. Creation of partnership linkages, affiliations, consortiums, grants, donations, education, exposures, contributions, joint ventures and other kind of interventions can act as a driving force in uplifting the living standards of the people.The task ahead of us all is building for the present and future generations. Collective responsibility by all of us can transform the poor community members into a better life. This should be our principle honoring the almighty’s call of helping those in need of a service.
We partner with organizations of similar interests that show their commitment, associate themselves with expertise and leadership in responsible investments and interventions for a good public welfare.
Growth Networks realized that achieving sustainable solutions to various challenges requires us to work in close collaboration with the Governments, Agencies, Institutions, Charities, Companies, partners of all sizes, citizens and the wider development community. GRONET would appreciate partners in the following focal areas;
Partnerships lie at the core of how GRONET understands the country and our role in working for change. We aspire to make a sustained and significant positive impact on Environmental protection, Poverty eradication, Violence, Public welfare, Human rights, Epidemic Disease Prevention, control and treatment (HIV/AIDS) and injustice. we believe that it is only through the collective efforts of many actors that these goals can be achieved. We typically work with community-based organizations, associations, national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations to deliver programs that meet the needs and aspirations of our beneficiaries. By setting out our partnership principles, program operating standards and program evaluation policy, we hope to clarify, and be held to account for, the kinds of relationships we want to foster with different types of partners, and the positive change we aim to achieve. All of GRONET's work in long-term development, disaster prevention, and campaigns and advocacy will be guided by these principles.