How can I contact a particular GRONET staff member??
When contacting GRONET, please make clear the specific information you need or the reason for your inquiry or the person you need: this will help us respond more quickly. You can reach our Secretariat of GRONET by:
Telephone: +256 772 618 071
+256 757 255 307
Email: info@gronet.org
How can I report a bug or send feedback about GRONET website??
We value your feedback and really appreciate your comments about any issues or bugs you have noticed while visiting our website. To report an issue with our site or to simply share your comments, please visit our contact us page and leave a message or your report.
Can I link to the GRONET website??
Yes – please do! GRONET works with communities, allies and partner organizations, undertaking long-term development, public welfare, emergency work and research, Human rights, livelihood, poverty eradication, Health care and campaigning for a better world
How can I make a complaint??
We believe that any stakeholder has the right to raise a complaint, have that complaint addressed, and receive a response for mistakes and wrongful actions. Every effort will be made to address and resolve the complaints.
Address your complaints to:
Mr. Kimera Mutebi Anthony
Email: 5makimera@gmail.com
Tel: +256 704 133 501
How can I seek funding from GRONET??
We provide small loans or grants to individuals through our savings and credit schemes , we use our limited resources to support groups of people in the country where we work to set up development, humanitarian assistance and advocacy projects that will benefit a whole community, region or nation. GRONET is not a funding body and is not directly involved with program decisions such as choosing or funding partners. For further information, please kindly contact Us.
How can I find out about a partnership with GRONET??
GRONET works in a variety of partnerships in the country and around the world and at a global level. The key relationships we seek are those that most effectively address our focal areas say; Capacity building and skills development for youth and women, HIV and AIDS prevention, care and treatment, Environment protection and food security, Savings and credit scheme, Public welfare, gender and health care, Human rights and good governance, Consultancy works and commission agents. To understand the principles that guide our work in long-term development, humanitarian responses, and campaigns and advocacy.
You can apply for partnership using our partnership page, the management will contact you for further discussions.
Please bear in mind that partnership does not entail financial support or any type of funding. For a fuller explanation of our beliefs, strategic aims, approaches, please refer the about us area of our website
How can I work for GRONET??
Current jobs at GRONET are advertised on our Career page. We encourage potential applicants locally and international to apply through our career email "careers@gronet.org. Successful applicants will be contacted.
How can I work as an intern for GRONET??
We offer unpaid internships comprising a single role. Please refer to our volunteer page for the internships opportunities. These internships offer the opportunity to work on a specific project or discipline within departments in different directorates. Although we cannot guarantee employment beyond the internship, our internships are designed to offer work experience, and interns are welcome to apply for our paid vacancies. Unfortunately, due to limited resources, we cannot keep resumes/CVs on file, so please only respond to advertised vacancies.
How can I volunteer for GRONET??
Volunteers play a key role to help GRONET to achieve its mission, objective and vision around the country, from office work and helping in events and activities. For volunteer opportunities visit our volunteering and internship opportunity page for more information and volunteering vacancies. Our information on volunteering replacements is always up to date