The idea of Community Capacity building (CCB) is to bring together and enhance the existing skills and abilities of communities which are already on the ground...

We generally define a youth as an intermediary phase that stands between childhood (15 Years) and adulthood (30 Years). Uganda is one of the countries with the highest youngest population in the world with 77% of its population. Ugandan youths experience different lifestyles and challenges depending on the communities they live in. Many youths decide to migrate from the rural areas to urban areas based on factors that include kinship ties, friendship ties, urban incomes, role of urban education and urban social systems. The unemployment rate in Uganda for the youths is 83%. This rate is even higher for those who have formal degrees and live in urban areas. This is due to the disconnect between the degree achieved and the vocational skills needed for jobs that are in demand for workers. Some youths have a negative response on certain jobs and they are unwilling to take them if offered a position. Youth unemployment poses a serious political, social and economic challenge to the country and its leadership, this cycle is making it difficult for Uganda to break out of poverty.
GRONET believes that capacity building and skills development for women helps them to access control and own productive resources individually and collectively. Women contribute 70% of labour in agriculture and yet they benefit only 30%, Strategies and policies on economic, financial, labour and agricultural policies should be implemented and reformed to enable women to benefit from their work. GRONET advocates to strengthen the capacity of civil society women to engage, influence and demand for gender responsive policies and guidelines for equitable national resource allocation, distribution and management because we believe that women are marginalized from economic resources distribution largely since they don't actively participate in decision making and lack a voice to influence the allocation of resources although Uganda's statistics show that women contribute 30% to the country's economic development but the benefits of distribution of economic resources don't reach the rural and urban poor women. .
The idea of Community Capacity building (CCB) is to bring together and enhance the existing skills and abilities of communities which are already on the ground...
There are many situations that pose immediate risk to the people and environment and they require urgent intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation and sometimes their mitigation may not be possible hence offering palliative care for the aftermath. Our objectives are prepared to prevent fatalities, injuries, protect the environment and community and also accelerating the resumption of normal operations but we can't do all this alone. We need your help. Here are the emergencies and projects that require immediate support and response.
Quam distinctio quis perspiciatis facere accusamus perferendis eligendi odit cum nemo fugit, tenetur sequi expedita earum nobis optio tempora id repellendus? Te..
Rural and Urban poor women are generally treated as second-class citizens and ...
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