Human Rights

Our existence as human beings simply honors us rights. These rights are commonly known as fundamental rights, the rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being and they are inherent in all human beings, regardless of their age, sex, color, ethnic origin, location, language, religion, ethnicity, or any other status. They range from the most fundamental right “the right to life” and to those that make life worth living, such as the rights to food, education, work, health, and liberty. These rights are applicable everywhere and at every time in the sense of being universal, and they are the same for everyone. They are regarded as requiring empathy and the rule of law and imposing an obligation on persons to respect the human rights of others, and it is generally considered that they should not be taken away except as a result of due process based on specific circumstances. All human rights are indivisible and interdependent. This means that one set of rights cannot be enjoyed fully without the other.

There are 30 human rights according to Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by United Nations signed in Paris on 10 December 1948 and they are;

  •  Rights to life
  •  Rights to education
  •  No discrimination
  •  No slavery
  •  No torture and inhuman treatment
  •  Same right to use law
  •  Equal before the law
  •  Right of cultural and art
  •  Right to treated fair by court
  •  No unfair detainment
  •  Right to trial
  •  Innocent until proved guilty
  •  Right to privacy
  •  Freedom to movement and residence
  •  Freedom around the world
  •  All human beings are free and equal
  •  Right to asylum
  •  Right to nationality
  •  Rights to marry and have family
  •  Right to own things
  •  Freedom of thought and religion
  •  Freedom of opinion and expression
  •  Subject to law
  •  Right to assemble
  •  Right to democracy
  •  Right to social security
  •  Right to work
  •  Right to rest and holiday
  •  Right of social service
  •  Human rights can’t be taken away

Why we Care!

Being able to speak freely without fear of brutal reprisal is more expansive more so in developing economies and undemocratic societies. This encompasses ideas and forms of expression that not everybody will like or agree with, people feel like they are going to be in danger from their government or societies because of what they think. People need to be protected and argue with certain ideas expressed in their society. This devasting situation needs involvement of the stake holders in addressing the root causes of this unfavorable situation that confront the majority of the marginalized people in Uganda. It can be through developmental initiatives and program that involve their full participation in order to achieve a meaning full social change among the population leading to economic transformation.
Being able to choose what one’s romantic life looks like is an essential human right but LGBT people are oppressed and abused, women and young girls are forced into marriages they don’t want, the importance of freedom to love is understated. Discrimination is the order of the day in some communities in Uganda mostly based on tribes, sex-orientation, color, religion and race. Politics in Uganda has become a tool of depression, disharmony and conduits that has promoted tribal sentiments, suppressed development, unbalanced sharing of the country cake and unjustified life among the population.

Denial of one right, invariably impedes enjoyment other rights. Thus, the right of every one to an adequate standard of living can not be compromised at the expense of other right to education etc. All people have a right to participate in and access information relating to the decision making process that affects their lives and wellbeing. Human rights issues in Uganda include unlawful or arbitrary killings, force disappearance torture, arbitrary detention, political prisoner, violence and intimidation, censorship, working against journalists, criminalization of libed and restricted access to internet, substantial interference with the rights of the people with intent to displace them from their places such as land, residences, kill them and deprive them of their belonging and social needs entitled to them.
Human right abuse stem from under development, economic pressures various social problems and international conditions, roots of repression, depression, discrimination and their denial of human rights that become deeper and more complex in areas of politics, social and economic issues. There is need to provide the concept of human rights in Uganda on how people should be treated and encouragement of equality, this is a matter of activists, non-governmental organization, international agencies, philanthropists and others to work towards enabling human rights in the country and the world at large.

Our commitment to Human Rights

We make sure that there is promotion of fundamental social rights and these include amongst others the right to equality, dignity, religious and cultural liberty, education, the right to work and fair working conditions, freedom of assembly, the right to information and consultation, and collective bargaining and action. Education is important for so many reasons and is crucial for societies where poverty is common. GRONET seeks and provide access to schooling, supplies, and more in order to halt the cycle of poverty. Seeing education as a right means everyone can get access, not just the elite.

We empower marginalized communities, promote gender equality, and supporting human rights defenders so as to advance human rights globally. We collaborate with institutions, government bodies, nations, UN bodies, and regional organizations to promote human rights standards, accountability, and humanitarian assistance to uphold universal rights, combat abuses, promote awareness, monitor violations creating a world where human rights are respected, upheld, and enjoyed by all.

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GRONET believes that respect for human rights will uplift people out of there miseries and allow them to assert their dignity and guarantee sustainable development. We believe that everyone has a right to; be heard, basic services, livelihood, be treated as equal and to be safe from harm. Many people have no access to health services, schooling, shelter and safe water. This makes them to be constantly at risk from serious epidemics that can easily be prevented, some are illiterate which leads to exclusion from the society. We believe that all human beings should be valued and treated the same, have a right to influence the decisions that affect their lives and to assume their responsibility as an active citizen.


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